The Only Thing That’s Truly Constant is Change

time for change

This post has been a long time coming. I’ve spent months thinking about how to make my blog and social media presence impactful and successful. I found myself writing down all of these ideas, I just didn’t know how to properly execute them. Now that I’ve had time to think, I realize that the only thing that’s truly constant is change.

I know, it’s an old saying and it’s pretty obvious. But it’s in those moments where you feel stuck that you realize change has to be made. There are 3 areas I’d like this to happen:

  1. Integration of what interests me most across multiple social media platforms
  2. Putting more focus on strengthening my community
  3. Accepting the fact that change allows for evolution

In order to be better, we have to look internally

It’s easy to fall into the traps of social media. You know, trying to keep up with the latest trends, doing what everyone else is doing, etc. I found myself feeling bogged down with the idea that I had to do just that. However, I’m not big on following the crowd. For a long time though, I felt like that’s what is needed to be relevant. But what really matters is knowing what’s important to you and delivering it in a way that allows you to connect with others. I’ve had plenty of time to consider all of this. There are actually many topics that I find important. Natural hair, skincare, what it’s like living abroad (read: being Black and living abroad), and more. I want to share them all because I am a multifaceted being. I refuse to be stuck in a box.

It was a deep look within that allowed me to discover what interests me. So now, it’s all a matter of figuring out how to integrate these topics across social media platforms and bring my community what they want and need.

Community building

One of my major goals for the remainder of the year is to work on building my community. I already have some pretty amazing people who are a part of the SoDazzling Fam. I appreciate all of the support that my blog readers, Instagram audience, Pinterest followers, and YouTube subscribers show me on a daily basis. Never would I have imagined that so many people would be interested in what I have to say.

Your support has shown me that my voice is important, even when I feel like it isn’t. Even when I don’t see the growth in “numbers” I feel the growth through your authentic support. I know that together, we can continue building a strong community.

Change is Constant

Change isn’t always a bad thing. Most times it allows for an evolution, an opportunity to become better. There are a lot of these changes happening in my life. I’m not ready to share EVERYTHING, but I will share what exactly those changes are in a later blog post. For now, just know that my focus is shifting. Like my new website design, there will be a lot of new things happening in the next year.

Change can be scary. However, it can also be for the best. It’s my hope that you enjoy this journey of change with me.


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