Summer is Almost Here, Now is the Time to Prepare Your Skin!

In many parts of the country summer has already arrived. If you live in the midwest like I do, then you’re still patiently awaiting it’s arrival. That’s okay though because now is the perfect time to prepare your skin.

During this time of year my skin starts to get a little more oily, compared to the dryness I feel in winter, so I have to switch up the products I use in my skincare routine, this goes for my face and body. This is also the time of year when sunscreen is more important than ever. In this post, I’m giving you a quick list of items/things to take into consideration as the seasons change and to help you prepare your skin for the hot days ahead.

1. Develop a Regimen, Keep Your Face Clean.

I think this one is a given. With warmer weather comes more sweating. Not only that but we tend to spend more time outside which exposes us to the elements. Both of these can cause clogged pores and potentially cause you to experience more breakouts so keeping your skin clean is the first step in making sure your face stays in tip-top shape.

Developing a regimen that is easy to do on a daily basis will make it much easier to ensure you’re able to keep your face clean!

2. Find a Moisturizer That Suits Your Skin Type

If you’re like me then you may experience oilier skin when the weather warms up but moisturizer is still important! During the spring and especially the summer months I like to switch out my thick cream moisturizers that I was using in the winter for a nice light moisturizer.

One that I’m really loving is the Base Butter Radiant Face Jelly. This face jelly contains aloe vera gel which is great for soothing the skin and shea butter to help keep in the moisture. I love that my face is left with a glow without feeling oily or greasy.

If you find that you have dry skin year round then I would stick to a cream based moisturizer that’s non-comedogenic (doesn’t clog pores).

3. Find a Good Body Lotion

Speaking of moisturizers, you should still moisturize your skin! I personally don’t like having a greasy feeling on my skin, especially when its hot out so in the summer months I find that the thick creams and butters that I use in the winter are a little too heavy for me. Instead, I opt to use a light body oil and a light creamy lotion if necessary. Funny enough, I purchased the multi-purpose oil from Melanin Haircare and I’ve actually been using that right after I get out the shower. It leaves my skin feeling silky soft without the greasy feeling. If I feel like I need something a little extra then I’ll mix it with a light, creamy body lotion.

4. Sunscreen

I’ve heard way too many people say that they don’t need sunscreen because they’re Black. Well, I’m here to tell you, yes you do. Even though those with a deeper complexion are at a lower risk to getting skin cancer, it can still happen. Exposure to the sun can cause skin aging and if you suffer from dark marks or hyperpigmentation, exposure can also make these areas even darker.

For these reasons it’s extremely important that you find a sunscreen, especially one for your face. I currently use a moisturizer from Clinique that contains SPF 20 but Clinique also has one that’s SPF 50 at Sephora. Mielle Organics also offers a face moisturizer that contains SPF! In addition to these, I’ve heard great things about Black Girl Sunscreen (I plan on giving this one a try soon) which is meant to be used on the body. I’ll be sure to give an update on how I like it when I try it out.

5. Let Your Skin Breathe

Lately, I’ve really been getting into makeup and have been wearing it more often. With the switch up in weather though, I know that this will be the best time to just let my skin breathe.

I’m not saying, don’t wear makeup. I liiiivvvveeee for a good beat. I’m simply saying to be sure that you find a balance. Make sure that you are using a foundation that doesn’t clog your pores and just remember to clean your face. Sleeping in your makeup is not okay! (I’m talking to myself a little bit here lol)

6. Drink a TON of Water

Okay, I’m exaggerating a little here. On a serious note though, water will be your best friend. It’s important that you drink an ample amount of water any time of the year but when it gets hot out and we spend more time in the sun, our bodies are more prone to dehydration. If your body is dehydrated, it can take a toll on every part of you, skin included.

The best advice I can give you to ensure you drink enough water is to get yourself a good water bottle. I currently have a 20 oz and a 32 oz stainless steel water bottle. I usually carry my 32 oz water bottle with me when I leave the house because it helps me reach my water intake goal faster. Amazon has some really good options. The one I like is only $12.99 and can be used with Amazon Prime.

There are also a number of apps available to help you remember to drink up!

To close this out, I just want to say that I know that not everyone’s skin is like mine but play around with products and see what works. Some people may suffer from dry skin year round and may be able to stick with using the same products year round. Then there are others whose skin changes with the seasons. Adjusting your routine to meet your skin’s needs is the best thing you can do to prepare your skin for the change in seasons.

If you have any other tips to prepare your skin for summer, be sure to share them below!


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6 Responses

    1. Yay! I’m glad it has been helpful for you. Hopefully I am able to provide you with some tips to get one together. Thank you so much for taking the time out to read my blog!

  1. Great post sis! I used to think I didn’t need sunscreen but now I use it regularly in my morning routine. I’ve been using Black Girl Sunscreen for awhile now and I love it, so I know you will too once you try it! I have to do better with my water intake! (Don’t tell anyone lol) I’m gonna check out that bottle though! Thanks for the tips!

    1. Same here! I never used to wear it but now it’s a must! I can’t wait to try the BG sunscreen. I’ll definitely keep you posted about it. And don’t even worry, I slip up on my water intake too. Some weeks I’m really good about it while others I’m not. It happens to the best of us! Thank you for reading sis!

  2. Best tips for us to prepare our skin for the summer! I look forward to just allowing my skin to breathe!!

    1. Same here! Summer is the best time to do it. If summer ever starts in Chicago (lol) I’m also looking forward to getting a nice summer glow.

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