Quick Update + Moving to Japan

Naha, Okinawa

First of all I want to apologize for not posting anything new in over a MONTH! I feel so bad for leaving my readers hanging but honestly, there has just been so much going. Like…. moving to Japan!!

Yep, you read that right. Mid-August my husband and I made one of the biggest moves of our lives. We moved across the world to Japan. I’ve gotten so many questions like why are moving? What are you going to do there? Are you still going to create content?

Japan Flag
Japanese Flag

The short answers to those questions are: we moved because my husband got a job here, I have no idea what I’m going to be doing yet, and OF COURSE I’ll continue to make content. As a matter of fact I feel like this move sets me up for so many creative opportunities. More than I would’ve had in the states.

I already have one vlog up on my YouTube channel about how to prepare for a move to a new country and how to prepare mentally. Soon I’ll have more vlogs up about my life here and about the many experiences that I will have.

We’re still in the process of getting things situated here such as housing and the basics but I have so many blog post ideas and things that I want to share with you all. I’m going to do my very best to have at least one post up per week. So far moving to Japan has been the biggest change I’ve made in my life and I’m super excited to see what is to come.

I really just wanted to give you all an update to let you know that I’m still here but that’s all that I have for now. Be on the lookout for next weeks post!

Have you ever lived abroad? What was your experience like?


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2 Responses

  1. I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see the opportunities you continue to have in Japan! I’ve never lived abroad and haven’t thought about it lol. I’ve been outside the country one time and that’s when I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. Eventually I do want to travel and see more of the world. Can’t wait to see more content from you and just know everything will work out! 🤗

    1. Thank you so much Maddy! It’s funny because before my husband and I got married we had a discussion about living abroad. We didn’t put too much planning into it and didn’t really talk about it too much after our initial conversation. Next thing you know this opportunity came up so we just had to take it lol. Traveling the world is amazing and
      I highly recommend that you do. Adventure awaits!

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