The Truth About My Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Second Trimester of Pregnancy

It’s no secret that every pregnancy is different. However, one thing that I often hear is that the second trimester of pregnancy is the easiest. For some, that rings true. For others, not so much. While my second trimester was pretty relaxed, there are still some things that I wish I would’ve known or been warned about.

During my first trimester I experienced mild symptoms. In the very beginning, I felt nauseous on the daily, smell and food aversions, and fatigue. While I found many remedies to help ease my symptoms, I was looking forward to the golden days of the second trimester of pregnancy that I so often heard and read about.

My Second Trimester Experience

It wasn’t until I hit about 20 weeks that I really began to feel my symptoms going away. It felt great! I was able to eat things that would previously make me want puke. I could smell scents and not be completely turned off, my husband’s cologne for example lol. My energy level even increased!

I had one good week where all of my symptoms went away. That’s it. I thought that once they were gone, that was it and I would be able to enjoy the second trimester to the fullest. Nope! My body had other plans. My fatigue randomly increased tremendously and my boobs. Don’t even get me started on those. It was during this trimester that I noticed a huge leap in the size of my boobs and nipples, they suffered. It felt I was nipping all the time. You know, that feeling when you’re cold and your nipples poke out? Yeah, mine felt like they were doing that for days at a time and it was painful!

I truly wish I would have taken full advantage of the short time that I felt 100% well to explore Okinawa and hang out with friends. There was one day where I went out to create some content but I haven’t been back out since.

The Truth of the Matter

I say all of that to say this, everyone’s experience is different. Don’t be discouraged if you find that your second trimester isn’t all glitter and rainbows. If anything becomes concerning, always seek medical advice, no matter how small it may seem.

Already a mama? What was your second trimester of pregnancy like? Let me know in the comments!


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