Self-Love Month: 3 Reasons to Love Yourself Unconditionally

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Reading Time: 3 Minutes

January is self-love month. Typically it’s the time of year when people make resolutions focused on self-improvement. However, most times this self-improvement is along the lines of getting back in the gym or trying out a new diet. Essentially, finding a way to change ones self physically. However, loving yourself starts with the internal acceptance of ones self and recognizing where there is room for growth. My goal this year is to show myself unconditional self-love and accept where I am along the way. Here are 3 reasons why you should too!

1. self-love is healing

I can admit that for a long time I didn’t love myself. I often compared myself to others wondering why I didn’t look as “pretty” as them or didn’t have what they did. I would beat myself up because I wasn’t as “successful” as others. I truly felt like I was disappointing those who counted on me. While I still struggle with this one a bit, I’ve learned to accept me for who I am. It’s truly a healing process. I’ve had to reflect and ask myself “why?”. Why did I want to be like those around me? What about my life can I change to be more aligned with where I want to be? Why do I respond to things the way that I do? Why does the opinions of others matter?

By asking myself these questions and more, I realized that it was more than just surface level issues I was dealing with. A great deal of my hurt stemmed from childhood. I’m still working on healing from things that I went through. However, I’m continuing to love myself through it all.

Healing is a journey and it doesn’t happen over night so show yourself some grace this year (and beyond).

2. loving you Results in authenticity

To love yourself doesn’t mean to disregard those around you. It more so means to love yourself in a way that allows you to accept who you are at each stage of your journey. Life isn’t perfect. Neither are we. BUT we can learn to love ourselves in spite of our imperfections. This results in being able to show up authentically and with intention.

Developing the ability to do this doesn’t happen overnight. And that’s okay. Taking the journey day by day allows you to show yourself compassion. You also learn to show others compassion. Knowing that we all have our flaws makes us more understanding. 

3. self-love helps tune out the negativity

There’s so much that we see on social media, TV, billboards, in songs, and everywhere else that can make us be hard on ourselves. Too many times we are pressured by social media and ads telling us that we need to look a certain way or have a specific aesthetic, in order to be accepted. 

Loving yourself unconditionally  can help combat the negative thoughts that may come with constantly hearing this. Self-love also allows you to continually identify and reclaim all parts of you – even those you may be afraid of. Loving YOU is accepting YOU and in turn can help quickly turn negative thoughts off. 

BONus: self-love is the foundation of all things beautiful and healthy

From a healthy relationship with yourself to  healthy relationships with others, it all starts with self-love. Setting boundaries  and recognizing your needs can help lay the foundation to self-love. I encourage you to start showing yourself small acts of love on a daily basis. Not only will it make you feel good, it will help start your healing process. This can look like telling yourself “I love you” in the mirror. Dancing or doing whatever movement feels good to you. Being your own hype person. Practicing relaxing breathing techniques. Taking 5 minutes to write yourself a love letter. 

As a matter of fact, for the month of January, I challenge you to take 2-3 minutes each day to write down one reason why you love yourself. When you feel like you need it, come back to reasons and remind yourself why you are on your journey of self-love.

What does self-love mean to you? How do you show yourself love?


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