Create a Skincare Routine That Actually Works!

skincare routine

I’ve previously talked about how to prepare your skin for summer and winter. However, I thought it would be helpful to give tips on how to create a skincare routine that actually works. Time and time again I see people say that they don’t know what they should be using for their skin so, below you will find the things that I think are key to consider when developing a routine.

The first step in creating a skincare routine is to determine your skin type. There are four main skin types:

  • Normal – your skin is well-balanced and produces a balanced amount of sebum (sebum is essentially the natural oils that your skin produces).
  • Dry – your skin produces less sebum than normal skin and causes areas of dryness. Dry skin lacks the ability to retain moisture.
  • Oily – your skin produces more sebum than normal skin. Most individuals with oily skin have a glossy shine to their skin and visible pores.
  • Combination skin – as the name implies, if you have combination skin then you have a combination of skin types.

While your skin type is based on your genetics, the way your skin changes and the condition of your skin varies greatly due to both internal and external factors that you subject your skin (and body) to. These factors include, but are not limited to, diet, hormonal changes and imbalance, medication, stress, and applying products to your face that clogs your pores.

The second step is finding products that suit your skin type.

There are so many products on the market that it can make finding a skincare routine that works for you difficult. The best advice I can give when it comes to products is to keep it simple. While some people live by a 10 step skincare regimen, that may not be what you need.

I suggest starting with the basics. A face wash, toner, and a moisturizer (preferably with SPF). The good thing is that nowadays, most product labels inform consumers of what skin type the product is best suited for. However, something to consider when choosing a product is to determine what your skin concerns are. If you suffer from acne, you may need a product that specifically targets acne. If you suffer from dark marks, try looking for a product that helps diminish the look of these marks.

My routine is usually the following: In the mornings, I typically use a face wash, an exfoliant (used once a week), a toner, a good moisturizer with SPF, and an eye cream. At night, I get a little fancier. I use a face wash, a face mask (one to two times a week), a toner, spot treatments for my acne marks, an eye cream, serum, and moisturizer.

Finding what works well for your skin may take some trial and error but once you find what works, stick to it. If you’d like to know which products I use, I have a skincare routine video over on my youtube channel.

Step three, assess your diet and lifestyle.

This is probably even more important than the products you use. Skin health, and overall health, truly starts within. There are a number of foods that have been shown to help with promoting clearer skin. Check out this list from HealthLine on the 12 best foods for healthy skin. I like this post because it not only tells you what foods you should consider incorporating into your diet, but it also contains research-backed references. In addition to eating well, it’s important that you drink enough water. I know, we hear that all the time. However, drinking water helps to keep your body functioning properly. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water and this fluid is responsible for digestion, circulation, the creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and body temperature maintenance. So you can see why drinking water is so crucial.

In addition to what you consume, you should think about your lifestyle. Do you find that you’re often stressed out? Are you sitting for most of the day? Do you wear makeup every day? Are you a heavy drinker or smoker? All of these things can play a major role in your skin’s health. If you answered “yes” to any of these, I strongly encourage you to find ways that help you relax, get more active (even if it’s only a walk for 20 minutes a day), let your skin breathe, and slow down on the drinking and smoking.

Consistency is key!

To ensure that your skincare routine works, you must remain consistent. It’s so easy to try a product and a week later switch to something else. However, in some cases, it may take a few weeks or a few months to begin seeing your skin clear.

I hope that you have this post on how to create a skincare routine that works helpful. Remember, I am not a dermatologist. I am just giving tips based on what has worked for me. I highly encourage you to speak with a licensed dermatologist if you have any skin concerns or need professional advice about products.

If you have any suggestions on what has worked for you while on your skincare journey, please feel free to share in the comments!



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10 Responses

  1. It took me a long time to figure out a skin care routine. You have provided great tips and consistency is definitely key to keeping your skin glowing.

  2. Thank you for sharing! I struggle with my skin so much because I have combination skin that’s both dry and oily. I also have some discoloration, possibly as a result of my younger years spent exfoliating with harsh exfoliants. I’ll have to try some of these in hopes of improving the state of my skin. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I can relate. I did some things to my skin in my younger years that I probably shouldn’t have done but, we learn and get better! I hope these tips help you find a routine that works. I’d love an update 🙂

  3. These are some really great tips. I have recently started to develop a routine. What exactly is toner for? I do the face wash and moisturizer but I’ve never used a toner.

    1. A toner is useful to help tighten pores, restore and balance your skin’s pH, and also refreshes the skin. There are so many on the market now but I prefer ones that have zero alcohol. It’s really good that you’ve started to develop a routine. I hope that this post helps you out on your journey!

  4. Consistency is key! When I do my morning and nighttime skincare my skin looks and feels great. Let me skip one night time wash and my skin clocks out.

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