Finding Time When You Feel Like You Don’t Have Any

How is it that some people can find time to get things done when it seems like you’re doing a million things at once? This is a topic that I often discuss with myself. Before you ask, yes, I talk to myself. But who doesn’t, right?? I often have to ask myself how can I find balance when I’m juggling so many things at once. For some, finding the time to get things done can either make you feel great or make you feel overwhelmed.

Currently I’m writing my PhD dissertation, consistently uploading to YouTube, managing my IG account, working on building this blog, and on top of that I’m a whole wife. With all of that going on, finding the time to do it all definitely makes my anxiety skyrocket at times.

Below I’m giving you eight tips on how to find balance and the time to get things done!

1. Determine What’s Most Important

The first step to successfully finding the time and balance is to determine what’s most important. Not everything needs to be high priority. Figuring out the top 3 tasks that should be at the top of your list is a great first step.

2. Make a To-Do List

At the beginning of each month I’ll make a list of everything that I need to get done for that month. A lot of times I have multiple campaigns or collaborations that have specific post dates and I find it easiest to write down a monthly to-do list so I can see what’s in store for the month ahead. This list will consist of two parts, a social media related and an academic related list (at this point I just set deadlines to have a specific part of my dissertation done).

From there I’ll break things down by week.

3. Get a Good Content Planner/Notebook

To keep my lists in order I use a couple of resources. One is the Google applications (drive, sheets, etc.) because I have access to it anywhere. The other resources I like are the Law of Attraction Planner on Amazon or the Productivity Planner, also available on Amazon.

If you’re someone who doesn’t like to write/journal or just don’t find it realistic to keep a physical planner then the Google option is probably your best bet. I have a pretty cool Google sheets document (example in screenshot below) that allows me to input my social media projects, the platform I’ll be posting to, the start date, end date, and if they’re in progress, skipped or finished.

I have a sheet that is blog specific and one that covers all of my social media platforms.

As a bonus to my blog subscribers, I’ll soon be sending out a blank copy of this template for you to use as you please!

4. Choose a Day, or week, to Create Content

I usually write blog posts as the come to me that way I can have a stash of content. For YouTube my process is similar. However, because YouTube is a little more hands on (recording, editing, and uploading) I try to record in bulk. I’ll take a week and record as much as I can which usually results in about 5-6 videos. This then gives me time to edit when I want and upload accordingly.

For Instagram I usually take pictures in bulk also. I take most of my own pictures so it’s easy for me to do outfit changes, venue changes, or whatever else I need to do. If I’m going to be doing a campaign with a brand then I’m sure to take my pictures for Instagram on the same day that I record my video(s) so that it can be done when it comes time to post.

At the end of my “creation week” I’ll sit down and edit my videos, photos, and blog posts to have them ready to go for the next two weeks or so.

5. Don’t Do Too Much At Once

We all have a limit. For me, the number of pots I have my hands in is okay because I’ve figured out a way to get it all done. However, for some, it may be necessary to cut back on a thing or two in order to better find the balance you’re seeking.

All of the planning in the world won’t be able to help if you overwhelm yourself with tasks.

6. Wake Up Earlier

This is one that I’m still working on. I’m definitely NOT a morning person, just ask my husband lol. However, waking up earlier means that you have more time in the day to get things done. Even if you only wake up an hour earlier you have an extra hour in your day! Waking up 30 minutes-one hour early is a great way to get a head start on those things you may not have been able to do otherwise.

7. Find an Outlet

When I first started grad school I was STRESSED! I’m actually still stressed about it but not as much since I’m at the finally at the finish line and have found multiple outlets. I tried out so many things before I found what I truly enjoyed. I tried painting but I sucked at it, I tried learning to crochet but it made my hands hurt and I tried to get back into reading for leisure but I just wasn’t feeling any of those things.

That’s when I started my YouTube channel. I’ve had a passion for natural hair for a long time so I found a way to translate that passion into something tangible. From there I developed my other platforms. If social media or blogging is your main job or source of income then I would consider finding an outlet that is completely outside of it. It could be running, weight training, cooking, hanging with friends, etc. Just make sure it is something that truly relaxes you.

8. Find Some Time For YOU

This tip kind of goes along with tip 7. Throughout this process the most important thing has been finding the time for myself. Be it 1 hour or just 10 minutes.

It’s crucial that you just take time to breathe because when you’re doing a lot at once, it can get overwhelming fairly quickly. If you need to, it’s okay to step away from social media for a little bit. Remember earlier when I was talking about batch recording? I do this so that whenever I need a break, I’ll already have content in my queue that will be ready to go so that all I have to do is hit publish.

I hope that these eight tips have provided you with a starting point in finding the time to get all of the tasks that are on your to-do list done. If you need to just take a break an re-evaluate or regroup then by all means, take that time! The las thing that you want to do is drive yourself crazy. Remember that you can do anything, but you can’t do EVERYTHING!

Let me know some ways that you find time to get things done down in the comment section!


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6 Responses

  1. I totally agree with determining what’s most important part. I think the hardest part for me is the fact that as a new mom every day is different. So trying to figure out what goes second to family after work is so tricky.

    1. I can definitely see how that can be difficult. However, just taking it day by day to see how things go and then developing a routine will be super helpful. Congrats on being a new mommy. You got this!

  2. Total free with you. For me a planner is a MUST there is too many things going on I have to write things down. Also getting a early start and I too do things on particular days. Good read !

    1. Yes, an early start is a must for me these days. I used to hate waking up early but now my body won’t let me sleep in too late lol.

  3. These are all great tips!!! I have Content Creation week built into my schedule but I haven’t been using it the way I should. I’m steadily working on my productivity and organization. Congrats on working on your PhD btw!

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